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Group Insurance Request
Wells Financial Services - Group Insurance Quote Request
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Company: *
Address: *

Street Address

Address Line 2


State / Province / Region

Postal / Zip Code

Contact Name: *


Phone Number:

Email: *
Confirm: Email: *
Number of Full Time Employees:
Part Time Employees:
Do you currently provide a Health Insurance plan for your Employees?
Do you provide Life Insurance for your Employees?
How much Group Life Insurance does the company provide?
Does Management have additional Group Life Insurance?
If yes, how much additional Life Insurance?
Do you provide Short Term Disability for your Employees?
Do you provide Long Term
Disability for your Employees?
How many COBRA participants are on your plan?
How many Full Time Employees are covered on your plan?
How many Full Time Employees are NOT covered on your plan?
Is any Employee or covered Spouse pregnant?
If yes, how many?
Are you aware of any health conditions that will effect the quoting of your Group?
If yes, please provide information:
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p.314.892.2456 | f.314.785.7500 | info@wellsfs.com | 4729 Brookton Way | St. Louis, Missouri, 63128